
Showing posts from August, 2011

History of MLM, MLM vs. Ponzi/Pyramid Scams

Here comes September! It's BER months na naman! Hataw hataw na people, WAPAK! Payaman! Malapit na ang PASKO, dapat mas maganda this year TAMA o TAMANG TAMA? Kaya, let's go back to business, MLM business here in the Philippines. Lately I felt my blogs were a little bit "straying" off the topic, which is Network mMarketing. So let's start the month right, and no better way to start than to go BACK TO THE BASICS. What really is Multi-Level Marketing or Network Marketing? Time to set the record straight. Most of us already have an idea or understanding about MLM or Network Marketing... "Pyramiding yan! Puro pera-pera lang eh! Peramiding nga." "Networking ba kamo? SA UNA LANG YAN!" "Ah, yan yung home-based business. Maganda yan kasi pwedeng part-time lang at pwede din namang full time! Kaya kinakareer ko na." "MLM is the BEST BUSINESS EVER! Legal na legal yan!" "Networking is just like selling, it's just another form of

It's Not About The Money

"It's not about the money, money, money..." I'm slowly starting to see and understand that Life is really not about Money. So long have we debated about this OBJECT, this PAPER, which is SO HIGHLY OVERRATED, but is actually just a Promissory Note, payable by the Government of the Philippines. Kung meron kang pera dyan, kahit na bente pesos lang sa bulsa mo, (dont worry hindi kita pabibilhin ng Cornetto ice cream cone), pwede mong basahin ang mensahe sa harapan, sa kanang itaas na bahagi: "Ang salaping ito ay bayarin ng Bangko Sentral at pananagutan ng Republika ng Pilipinas." In other words, that paper you are holding is just a medium to allow faster and easier exchange of products and/or services. Everyone acquire this paper when you/he/she perform a service to an employer, or as a profit/compensation after helping move products in a business. Naaalala ko yung isang sikat na sikat na debate tungkol sa pera. Sabi ng iba: "Money is the root of all evil&q

The Journey Of Men

I remember one day while i was busy using my laptop, reading ebooks and watching videos about MLM Business. When I was typing about a subject for my blog, my wife saw me very serious so she asked me, "Anong gawa mo? Why di ka pa din naghahanap ng trabaho?" I shouted back at her: "Wag ka maingay, nag-bubusiness ako!" Hahahaha, am i really doing business? Home Based Business? Online business? Eh wala nga akong internet connection sa bahay! Am I? To answer that question, we need a little background about the story of the "Journey Of Men". And I will start by using the Bible as the basis for Human Origin, because I DO NOT ACCEPT THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION AS BASIS FOR HUMAN EXISTENCE. No need for me to apologize. When Adam sinned, the whole earth (the ground, or the soil) was cursed and no longer yielded an ABUNDANCE of crops and fruits. The earth ceased to be a PARADISE. God said to Adam: "All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it (the ear

The Truth Hurts

Eto na, Panahon na. Tama na, Sobra na, Magbago na! Alam ko marami ang masasaktan sa ishashare ko ngayon. Pero hindi ko ito ishashare para MANAKIT ng kung sino. Pero ganun talaga, the TRUTH HURTS. Sabi nga sa Bibliya, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free". Truth Hurts Eto ay gawa mismo ng MENTOR ko, ng totoong MENTOR ko, by SMURKYDAD of . Uulitin ko po, hindi po ako ang gumawa nito, wag po kayo magalit sa akin ha. Copy Paste ko lang po dito sa blog ko. Smurkydad entitled this article: "Maraming magagalit na networkers dito…" Eto po ang link o address: Pero for your convenience, ilagay ko na dito para hindi ka na aalis sa lugar na ito.  (DISCLAIMER: Hindi ko po kayo pinilit basahin ito! Read at your own discretion. I suggest kumapit ka somewhere, baka malaglag ka sa kinauupuan mo...) Handa na ba kayo? Go Smurkydad, take i

Target Market: RED HOT Market (The Correct Market to Tap)

Last time I explained about how to differentiate your prospects into your COLD Market and Warm Market (just click on those words to read my previous blogs). Now, let us continue to learn more about the term TARGET MARKET , a term that is really alien to NETWORK MARKETING here in the Philippines. Honestly, the first time I heard that term, it made me sizzle in anger, because I felt it was just a  "SOSY" term,."Uy Target Market daw, Sosyal!". :) It happened when someone was advising me to use this "Target Market" term in my Network Marketing business, so that I can customize how I present it to them. Since I don't know anything about it, I dismissed it at once. I thought to myself: "Pa target target market pa sya, pare-pareho lang naman yun! Pa social lang sya, porke nakapagtapos ka sa UP!" But to that person, I would like to thank you for introducing that term to me. It took me more than TEN YEARS to finally understand that term TARGET MARK


Last time I introduced the COLD Market as the first place where we look for prospects in our Network Marketing Business here in the Philippines. We learned that The COLD Market is very hard to penetrate because these people are strangers, and most of the time these people are ICY COLD to the opportunity we are offering. They are very busy, pre-occupied, indifferent, and critical to whatever we are offering, for one simple reason. They DON'T KNOW YOU ! And as we all know, we cannot TRUST people we do not KNOW . Though sometimes COLD marketing still works  (very rarely), those people we tap using COLD Marketing are always clueless, ignorant and "mislead" by our "part-time job" offers. Thus, we can conclude, that COLD marketing is a very inefficient prospecting method. "Ice Breaker" The WARM market on the other hand are directed definitely not on strangers, but to our close circle of influence. They are composed of our immediate family members , then v


In the Philippine Multi-Level Marketing, and in any other businesses as well, we have three kinds (or temparatures) of market. The first is the COLD market , meaning strangers , i.e. people we dont know. That is why we have the term COLD calling, the sales strategy of calling people randomly, or from a list, and sometimes, even from the phone directory list. Cold marketing is very very ineffective because this is unproffessional, and strangers or passers-by are UNTARGETED people. I experienced this firsthand when I decided to give out flyers for the first time in my life. At least proud na proud ako nung namimigay ako ng Flyers... Right then and there, I really cannot comprehend why my flyering is not working. Now i know. Can you guess what those people who saw me giving out flyers were thinking? "Ay, ang weirdo naman nito, namimigay ng flyers." "Naku, scam na naman ito, ayokong lumapit. Iiwasan ko tignan para di ako kulitin." "Hmmp. Ayan na naman ang mga taon

Word of Mouth

An effective "Word of Mouth" should always come from genuine third party people only. Let me give you an example. I frequently ride a bus when going to Manila. Before, I just wait near the road for passing buses instead of going to the terminal thus saving me time and money. One day I needed to go to Manila. A bus arrived but it was not bound for Cubao. Bus Conductor: "Sakay na ho kayo. Walang bus na Cubao ngayon!" Me: "Weh?" (yeah right) (after an hour) Another Bus Conductor (3rd bus still bound to Lawton Buendia): "Sakay na ho kayo. Walang bus na Cubao ngayon!" Me: "Napansin ko nga..." (sakay sa bus, standing with other passengers kc wala na available seats). "Bakit ho pala walang bus cubao ngayon?" Conductor: "Traffic ho kasi pabalik kaya naubos mga bus Cubao, lahat ay na stranded pabalik..." Morale of the story? People tend to be skeptics when a person gives advice that may or may not be true, because the person